How To Use Supersets For Maximum Muscle Gain-If you consistently lift heavy weight and progressively increase the amount of weight you lift, you will get stronger and build muscle. This simple formula is true for everyone, regardless of age or sex. However, over time you will invariably find that your body will hit a plateau. In order to jumpstart your gains once […]
Body Part Split vs. Whole Body Workout: Which Is Best?-Back in the day before anabolic steroids took over the art of muscle building, anyone who wanted to build muscle and strength followed a full body, 2 to 4 day a week routine. This was commonplace...everyone trained their whole body each time they trained...from the advanced bodybuilders of Venice Beach to the strongmen of the […]
3 Ab Training Myths That Just Won’t Die-Of all of the "body parts" that people train in the gym, none of them are subject to more falsities than the muscles of the midsection. For the purpose of this article I will simply refer to the midsection as the "abs" although the midsection consists of more than just the abdominals. Having been in […]
How To Make Your Workouts Twice As Effective-The absolute most anabolic* thing a natural lifter will do during their day is WORK OUT. This is understood, to some degree, by even the biggest couch potato, who knows that he better hit the gym if he wants to build muscle and burn fat. It’s the workout that sends the "build muscle and burn body fat" […]
Marijuana… An Industrial Grade Fat Burner?-Say what?! First off, I'm gonna start by saying I am not endorsing the use of marijuana as a fat burner. I am also not telling you NOT to use marijuana as a fat burner. I’m not your momma, so if you are of age, you can make your own decisions. With that said, I […]
The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle-When designing a weight training program that is geared towards building muscle there are three factors that must be taken into consideration: The first one is INTENSITY; essentially how hard you work out. No one disputes that a resistance training program needs to have a sufficient level of intensity to stimulate muscle growth. Unfortunately, intensity […]
Why you should almost NEVER take Advil, Aleve, or Aspirin (NSAIDS) before or after exercise-Taking NSAIDs before or right after strenuous activity is incredibly fact, some personal trainers and athletic coaches actually recommend that their patients do so to "reduce inflammation" and help "facilitate recovery." This is horrible advice for most healthy people. The truth is that the science overwhelmingly supports THE OPPOSITE. Yes it’s true, there are […]
To the Natural Athlete: If You Train & Eat Like an Anabolic Steroid User… Expect to FAIL-Everywhere we look we see examples of what the male body can achieve with proper diet, training and ANABOLIC STEROIDS. Consider this… A majority of the fitness models and 99.9% of the pro bodybuilders you see in the magazines and online are using high levels of external hormones. Yup, its true… The same is true […]
Eating Raw: Healthier or Hype?-Over the past few years there has been a movement to eat vegetables raw rather than cooked. The rationale is that cooking destroys nutrients and enzymes found in raw vegetables. While there is some truth to this statement, it means very little. Just because you can test a food in a lab to see how many […]
Are Your Workouts Increasing or Decreasing Your Brain Power?-Most of us intuitively know that when an individual becomes more fit, their improved energy and health can contribute to clearer thinking and increased mental performance. But did you know exercise can fundamentally change your brain and make you smarter? Let's examine the science... A recent study done at The University at Texas, Dallas shows […]
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